
Centre Culture Régional
Dudelange opderschmelz

1a rue du centenaire
L-3475 Dudelange


opderschmelz - Grand Auditoire

Ouverture des portes à 19h00

Prévente / Vorverkauf


Caisse du soir /

25 €

KULTURPASS: Entrée gratuite / Freier eintritt / Free Entry

  • EN
  • Lata Gouveia is celebrating 30 years on stage with a unique one-time-only production and performance at opderschmelz. 
    Starting in 1993 in London's West End and South East, Gouveia's career and stage performances have been uninterrupted for 3 decades, as he performed with several projects in his first 9 years in London, moving to Lisbon in 2002, back to London in 2005, to Oklahoma in 2007, Texas in 2009 and, finally to Luxembourg in 2011, where he has been based ever since.
    Apart from his participation in bands like Bossy Bitch, The Trick, The Gazmen and The Grund Club ASBL (where he is artistic director), in Luxembourg we are used to seeing Gouveia perform his original songs with his rock band in many outdoor summer events, and we've often seen him as an acoustic opening act for many international acts over the years, from Sting to Alan Parsons, Charlie Winston, Bombino, Keiffer Sunderland, Juanes, Ayo and many more.
    This show will be different from what Lata Gouveia has done before. Backed up and surrounded by a collection of Luxembourg's finest musicians, he will perform to a sitting audience, presenting completely new arrangements of original songs we are familiar with, and talking us through his journey. This chronological time-trip will include the participation of musicians like Ernie Hammes, Kader Fahem, Jeff Herr, Ebrima Mass, Sebastian Flach, Paul Porcelli and others.