Centre Culture Régional
Dudelange opderschmelz

1a rue du centenaire
L-3475 Dudelange


opderschmelz - Grand Auditoire

Ouverture des portes à 09h30

Prévente / Vorverkauf


Caisse du soir /

20 €

KULTURPASS: Entrée gratuite / Freier eintritt / Free Entry

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  • Attention! The performances at 10am on the 23rd and 24th are school sessions.

    In coproduction with

    CAPE Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck

    Centre Culturel Régional Dudelange Opderschmelz 

    TRIFOLION Echternach

    with the help of 

    Centre de Création Luxembourgeois TROIS C-L 

    Ministère de la Culture

    Luxembourg-based Rhiannon Morgan completed her training at London’s The Place before working with Akram Khan on the opening of the 2012 Olympics. Since then, she has danced all over Europe and made a foray into acting (Voir la feuille à l’envers, Let Me Die Before I Wake, Songes d’une Nuit… all at the Théâtres de la Ville). Clementine, a duet she has choreographed for herself and a dancer, is inspired by the human compulsion to look for a partner and how in the process of that search we lose part of ourselves.

    With the use of technological devices such as screens and live camera, the choreographer explores what remains immutable: our need of contact, of sharing, of being loved and valued by the other. Rhiannon Morgan questions human relationships and indefinable emotions through dance and invites the audience on a journey that mixes surprise, humour and wonder.

    Additional dates: 

    14./15.03.2024 Trifolion Echternach

    Concept et chorégraphie Rhiannon Morgan 
    Interprétation Rhiannon Morgan, Love Hellgren 
    Vidéo et régie technique Jonathan Christoph 
    Création lumière et dramaturgie Antoine Colla 
    Régie Lumière Antoine Colla, Frédéric Toussaint 
    Regard chorégraphique Giovanni Zazzera 
    Costumes Peggy Wurth 
    Arrangement musical Jonathan Christoph 
    Crédits photos Bohumil Kostohryz 
    Remerciements Emre Sevindik

    Production exécutive Services for Creatives

    Co-production CAPE – Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck, CCRD Opderschmelz, Trifolion Echternach