
Centre Culture Régional
Dudelange opderschmelz

1a rue du centenaire
L-3475 Dudelange


opderschmelz - Grand Auditoire

Ouverture des portes à 15h00


Prévente / Vorverkauf



Caisse du soir /

10 €


KULTURPASS: Entrée gratuite / Freier eintritt / Free Entry


Prévente / Vorverkauf



Caisse du soir /

20 €


KULTURPASS: Entrée gratuite / Freier eintritt / Free Entry

  • FR
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  • ‘The Assembly’ is a mixed reality journey into a world where your movements become sounds. Passing from virtual reality to the human assembly, you use your movements and digital interfaces to create a collective song that echoes through ‘The Assembly’.

    ‘The Assembly’ is a multiplayer virtual reality (VR) experience embedded in an interactive installation that transforms into a performance stage at night. The VR experience, installation and performance can be experienced individually or combined.

    Inspired by the universal tradition of collective singing, ‘The Assembly’ revisits this ancient practice and uses new media as a conductive surface to transform bodily movement into a plural voice.

    A multiplayer VR experience

    In the VR experience, you dance with other players to the sound of dreamy melodies and electronic beats that you collectively create. Led by the mystical figure of the Memory of Voice (MoV) you become part of a multi-dimensional instrument and play with sounds placed around you in this first Assembly.

    An interactive installation

    As you leave the virtual world, you find yourself immersed in an interactive installation. You wander through a maze of veils, touch objects and interact with light around you to create and transform sounds that draw their strength from the human voice. You can also linger at the edge of the installation to observe and listen to the collective song created by this second Assembly.

    A concert-performance

    When the space transforms into a 360° stage, the mystical creature of the Memory of Voice reappears, embodied by the performer. Along the beats of a live electronic musician, the MoV immerses the audience into a third Assembly. This concert-performance invites you to sound together and revisit the digital interfaces surrounding you to create a new collectif instrument.


    ‘The Assembly’ was born in Luxembourg through the artistic collaboration of performer Catherine Elsen and VR director Charlotte Bruneau. Digital artist Laura Mannelli joined the project as director of the XR installation. The team widened to electronic musician Pouya Ehsaei, artist Wesley Allsbrook, the VR studio Gluk Media, in Lithuania, sound engineers from Luxembourg’s Mad Trix, and dramaturge choreographer René Alejandro Huari Mateus.


    The installation is mobile and will be presented in Luxembourg, France and Lithuania as part of the ‘European Capital of Culture 2022’ program. Tickets should be booked separately for the installation and the performance. From 12 years onwards.

    XR Installation + Virtual Reality

    The installation and VR experience can be visited during opening hours by groups and individuals. The installation is open for ten people at the time to allow for social distancing and an intimate experience of the space. It takes about 30 minutes.

    The virtual reality experience lasts 15 minutes and is open to five people at a time. To avoid queues, you can book your spot online. VR headsets are disinfected in-between each session.

    During special sessions for schools, pedagogical workshops will be offered to high school classes as an accompaniment through ‘The Assembly’ experience.


    When the space transforms into a 360° stage, the mystical creature of the Memory of Voice reappears, embodied by the performer. Along the beats of a live electronic musician, the MoV immerses the audience into a third Assembly. This concert-performance invites you to sound together and revisit the digital interfaces surrounding you to create a new collectif instrument.

    For more information visit https://www.theassemblyproject.org

    Pre-sale for the performances - please click on the date of your choice:

    25.02.22 – 20H00 première SOLD OUT

    27.02.22 - 16H00

    01.03.22 - 20H00

    02.03.22 - 20H00

    04.03.22 - 20H00

    05.03.22 - 20H00

    07.03.22 - 20H00

    08.03.22 - 20H00

    ℹ️ CovidCheck Info: https://covid19.public.lu/en/covidcheck.html

    Produit par Bidibul Productions, Pitchblack Collective / En coproduction avec CCRD Opderschmelz /Producteurs Lilian Eche, Christel Henon, Charlotte Bruneau, Catherine Elsen / Sur une idée originale de Charlotte Bruneau, Catherine Elsen / Direction artistique Charlotte Bruneau, Catherine Elsen, Laura Mannelli / Composition musicale VR et installation XR Pouya Ehsaei avec la participation de Catherine Elsen / Réalisation VR Charlotte Bruneau / Installation XR Laura Mannelli / Rôle principal, voix et mouvement Catherine Elsen / Musicien et design sonore VR et installation XR Pouya Ehsaei / Artiste visuelle VR Wesley Allsbrook / Design interactif Stefan Palitov / Production VR Gluk Media / Directeur studio VR Vaidas Gecevičius (Gluk Media) / Superviseur technique VR Rokas Kišonas (Gluk Media) / Développeur VR Egis Bachur (Gluk Media) / Second développeur VR Dovydas Kaunas (Gluk Media) / Animation VR Nikolaj Kalinovskij (Gluk Media) / Cheffe Décors Laura Mannelli / Programmation son et lumière installation XR Mad Trix / Design technique installation XR Cédric Fischer (Mad Trix) / Mixeur son Cédric Fischer (Mad Trix) / Monteur son Damiano Picci (Mad Trix) / Ingénieur son Oliver Lang (Mad Trix) / Artiste et concept performance Catherine Elsen / Mixing 3D live Pouya Ehsaei / Consultante musique Natacha Crawford / Chorégraphe et dramaturge René Huari Alejandro Mateus / Création costume Pierre-Antoine Vettorello / Directrice de production Marie-Noëlle Regard / Productrice exécutive Emilie Roi / 1ère Assistante réalisation Frédérique Colling / Administration de production Valdas Skinderis / Consultante production Hélène Walland / Comptable de production Linda Kadouche / Réalisation Making-of Paula Onet / Graphiste Franziska Blockhaus, Marianne Villière / Photographe Patrick Galbats

    Film Fund Luxembourg, Capitale européenne de la culture Esch2022, CCRD Dudelange Opderschmelz, Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grand-Duchesse Charlotte, Commune de Bettembourg, Commune de Differdange, Aalt Stadthaus Differdange, Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette, Fondation Indépendance (BIL), Région Grand-Est, DRAC grand Est, CCPHVA, Kaunas2022