Centre Culture Régional
Dudelange opderschmelz

1a rue du centenaire
L-3475 Dudelange



3 Days Pass

Caisse du soir /

14 €

3 Days Pass

KULTURPASS: Entrée gratuite / Freier eintritt / Free Entry

2 Days Pass

Caisse du soir /

9 €

2 Days Pass

KULTURPASS: Entrée gratuite / Freier eintritt / Free Entry

Day Ticket

Caisse du soir /

5 €

Day Ticket

KULTURPASS: Entrée gratuite / Freier eintritt / Free Entry

L’Association Luxembourgeoise de Science Fiction et de la Fantasy (SFFS) a été fondée en 1995, afin de pouvoir regrouper des joueurs et louer des salles pour des tournois de jeux fantastiques. Les membres se rendent rapidement compte que la passion qui les unis et plus que ces jeux, mais bel et bien une appréciation pour les mondes imaginaires en général. Il s’en suit de moultes séances de jeux de rôles, du jdr grandeur nature, des excursions sur des événements dédiés aux médias ou genres de l’imaginaire.

Après le succès de la journée mondiale du jeu de société en 2013, un groupe organisateur se forme pour mettre en place LuxCon une convention tâchant à regrouper un grand nombre d’acteurs et amateurs de science fiction, fantasy et horreur du plan national et interrégional. Pour aider l’identification la dénomination festival de l’imaginaire / Fantastikfestival est ajouté au titre et la première édition vit le jour fin mars 2014 au centre culturel ‘Schungfabrik’ de Tétange. Les 500 visiteurs estimés pour le weekend en deviennent 1400 et un bon nombre de gens et d’associations actives dans le milieu de l’imaginaire retracent leur rencontre, leur origine et leur motivation à cette première édition.

Depuis LuxCon est devenu un rendez-vous incontournable pour les amateurs de l’imaginaire du Luxembourg, et de la grande région, et flirte même avec l’acceptance dans le calendrier des événements culturel traditionnels de la nation. L’événement tente de regrouper pendant un weekend tous les médias touchés par les genres spéculatifs. Ainsi on retrouve les arts graphiques, plastiques, et séquentiels, la littérature, le film, la musique, le costume, la comédie sous forme de débats, de lectures, de tables rondes, d’ateliers, et avec la présence de créateurs dans le domaine de l’imaginaire. De plus le festival est axé sur la possibilité d’échange entre les créateurs mais aussi avec les amateurs, et visiteurs curieux. Le festival invite annuellement des grands noms de la scène littéraire internationale pour donner au public de découvrir leurs œuvres ou tout simplement de rencontrer des idoles.

Dans le contexte d’Esch2022, la Science Fiction & Fantasy Society envisage depuis longtemps d’organiser la convention européenne de Science-Fiction. Celle-ci est en effet depuis sa création un symbole d’unification entre les amateurs de fantasy des deux blocs européens, l’Europe de l’Est et l’Europe de l’Ouest, avant de devenir depuis la chute du rideau de fer l’emblème d’une nouvelle Europe unie. L’EuroCon est organisée à tour de rôle par des associations d’amateurs de science-fiction dans les villes du continent. LuxCon a été remarquée par les amateurs européens de fantasy grâce à sa situation géographique et linguistique unique, et beaucoup d’entre eux ont commencé à faire circuler l’idée que le Luxembourg et la LuxCon seraient un terrain de prédilection pour une Convention européenne.

Depuis, la présence de l’équipe de la LuxCon avec un stand à l’Eurocon de Dortmund en 2017 a attiré beaucoup d’attention, et nous sommes confiants que la date approchante et une nouvelle présence sur l’Eurocon de Belfast fin août 2019 remettre cela. Le prochain arrêt pour l’EuroCon sera Rijeka en Croatie, la dernière étant capitale culturelle européenne en 2020. Ce sera aussi à Rijeka que va se décider, par vote lors d’une séance de l’ESFS (European Science Fiction Society), si le Luxembourg sera choisi comme organisateur de l’événement en 2022. Jusqu’à présent les candidats à l’organisation ont une bonne entente et se sont arrangés pour que chaqu’un pose sa candidature à tour de rôle et pour qu’il n’y ait pas de concurrence.

Concrètement, la Science Fiction & Fantasy Society Luxembourg, ses partenaires du site de Dudelange et ceux du fantasy luxembourgeois, régional et européen proposent d’organiser la version 2022 de la LuxCon rehaussée du titre d’EuroCon 2022 le week-end des 9 et 10 avril 2022. En premier lieu, les événements et sessions de l’EuroCon commenceront le jeudi ou vendredi avec la grande partie des événements et stands correspondants ouverts au public le samedi et dimanche.

Figureront au programme :

  • des débats sur les sujets de la fantasy, mais aussi sur de réels problèmes sociaux, économiques et environnementaux et la façon dont ils sont traités par la fantasy ;
  • des entretiens avec des créateurs ;
  • des ateliers pour petits et grands autour d’activités dans le grand monde de la fantasy ;
  • des activités ludiques pour illustrer l’étendue des loisirs liés à la fantasy ;
  • des tables rondes sur les communautés d’amateurs dans les différents pays d’Europe et leurs interactions ;
  • des concerts avec des morceaux issus ou inspirés des œuvres de fantasy ;
  • des concours de costumes, de représentation et de littérature ;
  • des expositions ;
  • la vente d’ouvrages originaux et de produits dérivés des franchises internationales à succès.

Par ailleurs, bon nombre de visiteurs vont se joindre à la fête dans des costumes, souvent fabriqués par leurs soins et représentant leur personnage, jeu, série télé ou film préféré.
La SFFS a sept années d’expérience dans l’organisation du festival et en aura onze lors d’Esch2022. Les contacts avec les communautés d’amateurs de fantasy en Europe sont très bons et nous tenterons d’inviter des auteurs de toute l’Europe pour représenter adéquatement la culture fantasy de la communauté.

Thursday: 19h00 Opening ceremony 
Friday: 10h00 - 19h00
Saturday: 10h00 - 01h00
Sunday: 10h00 - 18h00

Thursday 7th April 2022


Grand Auditoire

LuxCon, the 2022 EuroCon Opening Ceremony

The opening of the 2022 EuroCon with speeches, and theremin and voice performances by Carolina Eyck.

Carolina Eyck, 

Friday 8th April 2022


Grand Auditoire

Theremin Workshop

Join Theremin Virtuoso Carolina Eyck and discover one of the first fully electrical instruments.

Carolina Eyck

Petit Auditoire

European Science Fiction Society General Meeting


Salle 1.1

World-building as a vehicle for social science: Can SF move beyond character-driven fiction?
I'm co-editor of Sci Phi Journal, with a background in political philosophy and alternate history, while in the "real world" I work in EU foreign affairs. To explore these intersections, I would suggest: "World-building as a vehicle for social science: Can SF move beyond character-driven fiction?"
 Open to all and any fellow panellists and their perspectives from across the broad EuroCon spectrum. It might be particularly interesting to hear from authors/publishers/creators involved in "serious" or "hard" SF which often places more emphasis on accurate world-building, socio-economic modelling, scenario-building, or playing out the consequences of fictional philosophical or theological concepts.
Gerencsér Ádám, Mariano Martin Rodríguez 

Salle 1.2

How to build and sustain a local NaNoWriMo community

NaNoWriMo is a world-wide initiative/community of prospective writers committing to create a written work of fiction for the duration of every November. There are rules and perks. In this talk we will discuss how does one set up a local community, how to build trust and sustainability, how to communicate with the franchise and how to start in your own country.

Ivo Alekseev


Salle 1.1

Littérature Fantastique pour Personnes en Détresse 

Fantasy peut redonner le sourire aux personnes en détresse. Mélodie Ducoeur nous explique comment aborder des thèmes comme la perte d‘un enfant tout en créant un univers doux, humoristique et optimiste. Un 2e volet se consacrera à la sensibilisation pour aider les jeunes qui ont des idées suicidaires.

Mélodie Ducoeur

Salle 1.2

Workshop on creative writing in the vein of NaNoWriMo

This small-scale sprint based workshop will feature moderators, who are both

active authors and translators and who will share experience and tips on short fiction. We

will run a sprint consisting of a timed writing with a prompt, followed by discussion on how it

went. The focus on the sprints is on the act of writing collectively and sharing the experience

and hardship, not so much on the quality of the writing itself. It’s also possible to do a series

of sprints throughout the con.

Ivo Alekseev, Elena Pavlova, Georgi Yanakiev


Grand Auditoire

The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund (TAFF) and other fan-fund traditions: what have we done, how can we do it better?

TAFF and other fan-funds have played a key role in allowing fans from all over the world to join conventions they might not otherwise be able to visit, and encounter fellow fans in those places. Some fan-fund beneficiaries are exposing their experiences and sharing tales.
Marcin Kłak, Michael Lowry, John Van Duin

Salle 1.1

Disney’s Galactic Starcruiser
Der Disney STAR WARS Galactic Starcruiser: Grandioses STAR WARS-Larp-Erlebnis oder völlige Fehlplanung? 
Robert Vogel

Salle 1.2

Building bridges across the world and to the future: the transformative power of speculative fiction

Speculative fiction is often called the literature of ideas. Good speculative fiction helps us transcend boundaries--interpersonal, spatial, and temporal alike. Great speculative fiction helps us transform what we have into what we dream of. This presentation will focus on several examples of positive transformation from the forthcoming ФантАstika: Almanac of Bulgarian Speculative Fiction. Three of them are fictional; one is real-life.
Kalin Nenov & Drake Vato


Grand Auditoire

The Future of Free Speech 

Free Speech and censorship is a topic in many science fiction stories. Arguably most prominent in Orwell's "1984", we also find it in Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" or Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451". Even in  Howard's "Conan"-stories, we find bards whose tongues are cut out for spreading the unconvenient word. In today's world, we see speech suppressed by totalitarian regimes. And in the Western world, some argue Internet Mobbing, Political Correctness and Cancel Culture to be a form of censorship not foreseen by any sf writer. Our panelists discuss the state of affairs in fiction and reality, bringing diverse backgrounds from multiple countries.

Robert Corvus, Luc Francois, Arkady Martine and others

Petit Auditoire

The History of Portuguese SF

How does sharing a peninsula with a much larger neighbour do to the imagination. Come and find our as Luis chronicles the elements of Portuguese science fiction you might have heard about, and others that are certainly new to you.

Luis Silva

Ciné Starlight 2

Science Fiction Shorts 1

Come and check out some of the most creative short films that have been produced on the fan/indie circuit.

Salle 1.1

SF and fandom in the GDR

What were Science Fiction and its fandom like behind the iron curtain?

Thomas Recktenwald 

Salle 1.2

Punk Genres from Dusk till Dawn 
Dive deep into the varied family of the xxx-punk genres and come out hopeful on the other side! Sweep through their history, topics, aesthetics, favorite works and let's talk about their place in our societies and what problems and hopes they address.

Joro Penchev, Elena Pavlova, Georgi Yanakiev, Kalin Nenov


Grand Auditoire

Dépaysement dans l’Espace-Temps 

La physique moderne pourrait-elle rendre possible les portails spatio-temporels suggérés dans beaucoup d’ouvrages d’anticipation ? Des trous noirs à la téléportation quantique : petite escapade entre science et science-fiction.

Guillaume Trap, astrophysicien et directeur scientifique du Luxembourg Science Center

Petit Auditoire

Kai Meyer im Gespräch 

Das Fürimmerhaus steht zwischen den Welten, am Ufer eines dunklen Ozeans. Es hat tausende Hallen und Säle, seine Korridore sind endlos. Und noch immer wächst es weiter und verändert sich. Im Fürimmerhaus stranden junge Heldinnen und Helden, die ihre Welten vor dem Untergang bewahrt haben… 

Interview mit Kai Meyer zu seinen aktuellen Publikationen (mit Lesung von Auszügen)!

Kai Meyer (zugeschaltet)

Salle 1.1

All Things Transhumanist
It has been said by smart people that transhumanism is the only real shared project

humanity has left. And in many obvious or more subtle ways, there’s a lot of truth to this

statement. But what does it make to qualify as transhuman and are we not already there?

This talk will discuss the historical background of the transhumanist movement, its modern

branches, the main ethical, scientific and political questions and how various SFF works try

to answer them. We will also touch on the concept of posthumanism in its various guises.

Obviously, lots of favorite authors, books, movies and shows on the list.
Joro Penchev, Ivo Alekseev, Drake Vato/Viktor Dimitrev 

Salle 1.2

Cons in the time of Covid

The pandemic is far from over, and, much like the rest of the world, conventions have experiences a seismic shift because of it. We discuss the lessons learned from the last years, and debate what to take away from the practical changes we have had to make to our lives.

Ivan Kranjcevic, and guests


Grand Auditoire

Meet our guests Arkady Martine and Vivian Shaw for a live interview about their respective body of work and life as a creative couple.

The Arkady Martine & Vivian Shaw Interview 

Petit Auditoire

A Little Alien in The Big City

The lands of SFF are vast and spacious and full of English. As far as markets and culture go, speculative fiction is still an English dominated field. But what's it like to write speculative fiction in a smaller market? Say, Hebrew…

We will discuss the challenges of writing speculative fiction in a non-English tradition. Like how to break free of old patterns and express our own culture, and how the hell can you differentiate between a witch, a sorcerer, a warlock and an enchanter in Hebrew.

Ehud Maimon, Keren Landsman

Salle 1.1

How Much Science Is In Science Fiction? 

Shrinking machines, time travelling, super-magnifying glasses and similar devices are often found in science fiction stories. Let’s discuss how much science really is behind such tools. 

Andy Genen, Michela Bernini  

Salle 1.2

Handwaffen in SFF

Excalibur, Lichtschwert, Laser, Phaser und der Ring – Wie entwirft man gute Waffen?  Warum führen Autor:innen diese in ihre Geschichten ein? Was hat sich in der Darstellung von Waffen im Laufe der letzten Jahrzehnte verändert? Welche Symbolik wird üblicherweise mit den verschiedenen Waffen in Verbindung gebracht? 

Robert Corvus, Bernhard Hennen & Ju Honisch


Grand Auditoire

SFF as a political project

Outline: Wait, don’t run! This is not about contemporary politics, representation and what have you. Although, in a way, it also is. We will discuss the notion of politics and walk through plenty of examples that most (or all?) of SFF’s worldbuilding is in essence an answer to political questions that have been posed times and times again since the dawn of humanity. Is there real escapism in fantasy or is that political too? Is Palpatine’s takeover of the Senate just an age-old retelling of social game theory? Is, maybe, SFF the most shrewd tool humanity has on their hands for shaping the political discourse of the future?

Joro Penchev, Ivo Alekseev Elena Pavlova

Petit Auditoire

Vom Buch zum Comic 

Kai Meyer und Jurek Malottke stellen zwei „graphic novels“ vor, die in Kooperation entstanden sind. Dabei gewinnt das Publikum Einblick in die Entstehungsphasen. 

Kai Meyer (zugeschaltet) & Jurek Malottke (zugeschaltet) 

Ciné Starlight

The Short Films of Julien Becker

Join triple Luxembourg Film Award winner Julien Becker and revisit his first two short films which won him the awards, 22:22 and Article 19-42. Film screening and Q&A.

Julien Becker.

Salle 1.1


Lesungsrunde mit unseren deutschsprachigen Autoren. 

Mit dabei sind: Bernhard Hennen, Robert Corvus, Ju Honisch, Amadeus Firgau, Martina Kald, Luc Francois, Claude Peiffer, Alexander Knörr & Maxime Weber 

bis 19:00

Salle 1.2

Writing Horror Fiction
Our esteemed guest Gunilla and Michael have a long career in horror writing and are happy to have a chat with you where they share their experiences and maybe even some tips. Shivers not guaranteed.

Gunilla Jonsson and Michael Petersén


Ciné Starlight 2

Tune Into The Future (/w director Q&A)

A documentary which explores how thinking about tomorrow became a pop-culture phenomenon called Science Fiction. Despite rich and varied origins, there is one name which can be credited with single-handedly shaping the way we understand science fiction today as a genre. It was Hugo Gernsback who stuck his hand into the soup of early 20th century pulp literature and fished out science fiction - giving it its name and a clear definition, turning it into a genre that anyone could engage with. His goal was to inspire and to stimulate young minds into speculating about how science would shape our future and to come up with tomorrow's new inventions. In the process, he created science fiction. The fan community growing around the genre turns science fiction into a cultural movement and keeps it in constant evolution, each generation adapting it to current scientific progress, but also to the hopes and fears of its time. Guided by authors, historians, filmmakers, astronomers and rocket scientists, Tune Into The Future weaves together interviews, animation and pop-culture references to take the viewer on a fascinating and entertaining journey to witness this evolution. But also to discover that the way we tell stories about tomorrow really reveals more about ourselves today than about the future.

Eric Schockmel, Romain Roll

Saturday 9th April 2022


Petit Auditoire

European Science Fiction Society General Meeting


Grand Auditoire

Is speculative fiction a literary art form
Speculative fiction as a form of literary art is challenged. Its artistic status and its long-term survival are threatened by both a general deficit of rhetorical skills and a wide desire to advance ideological agendas, thus turning literature into propaganda. Potential solutions.
Gerencsér Ádám

Salle 1.1

RPG Talk

Join gaming guests Gunilla Jonsson and Michael Petersen for a casual chat on their careers in RPGs and the fun we have playing our favourite pastimes.
Gunilla Jonsson & Michael Petersen 


Grand Auditoire

Worldbuilding workshop

This workshop builds on a successful tradition of worldbuilding workshops that the ShadowDance team and friends have run at various events and festivals. A brief intro lays down the basic tenets of successful worldbuilding and the self-question approach, then we go into the interactive part. Participants work in groups and take part in a worldbuilding exercise based on tried methodology. Depending on time, the workshop includes only intra-group work and followup discussion or also inter-group exercise in world communication.

Elena Pavlova, Joro Penchev, Georgi Yanakiev

Petit Auditoire

Glasgow in 2024 book club (hybrid)

At Luxcon, the 2022 Eurocon between 7th and 10th April, the Glasgow in 2024 book club will be reading The Library of the Dead by T. L. Huchu. The book club meeting will be a hybrid event for members of Luxcon.
Ropa dropped out of school to become a ghost-talker. Now she speaks to Edinburgh's dead, carrying messages to the living. A girl's gotta earn a living, and it seems harmless enough. Until, that is, the dead whisper that someone's bewitching children--leaving them husks, empty of joy and life. It's on Ropa's patch, so she feels honor-bound to investigate. But what she learns will change her world.
T. L. Huchu is a Zimbabwean author who has lived most of his adult life in Edinburgh. The Library of the Dead is his first genre novel, and the opening book in his Edinburgh Nights series.
Fionna O'Sullivan

Ciné Starlight 2

Science Fiction Shorts 2

Come and check out some more of the most creative short films that have been produced on the fan/indie circuit.

Salle 1.1

Science Fiction Club Deutschland (est. 1955)
Join Thomas and Roger, two of SFCD’s board members as they chat about the history, achievements and future prospects of one of Germany’s oldest Science Fiction Clubs.

Thomas Recktenwald, Roger Murmann

Salle 1.2

RPG Masterclass  

Ani will give us insights into how he sets up the author RPG that will take place this evening. 

Ani Fox


Grand Auditoire

Gernsback’s Children 
young, Luxembourgish speculative fiction writers. A focus on the local scene from an upcoming generation of writers.
Luc Francois, Kiara Roth, Cosimo Suglia, Maxime Weber 

Petit Auditoire

Into the Maraverse 

Tommy Krappweis erzählt, warum ein Räuberhauptmann, ein Pummeleinhorn, ein Vampir, eine germanische Seherin, ein irrer Anwalt und wiedererwachende Märchen im gleichen Story-Universum existieren, warum das gleichzeitig eine gute und eine vollkommen bekloppte Idee ist und beantwortet Eure Fragen. 

Tommy Krappweis (zugeschaltet)

Salle 1.1

Insights into the Book Industry 

Meet Lauren Jackson, promotions consultant and marketing specialist for award-winning authors like Rebecca Roanhorse, Ken Liu and Arkady Martine, and get a peek behind the curtain of the book industry.

Lauren Jackson 

Salle 1.2

Nowa Fantastyka 

We explore the history of the oldest Polish speculative magazine and have a look at the current state of Polish speculative fiction through the lens of this magazine. 

Agnieszka Hałas


Grand Auditoire

The Capital of the World 

London. Paris. Teixcalaan. These are the capitals of the world. If it doesn’t happen here, it doesn’t happen anywhere. A conversation about metropoles, cultural reference points and imperialism.

Aliette de Bodard, Arkady Martine, Vivian Shaw 

Petit Auditoire

Perry Rhodan – Eine Einführung 

Unglaublich, aber wahr! Perry Rhodan erscheint als Heftreihe nun seit mehr als 60 Jahren. Zeit für einen Überblick, Rückblick und Ausblick!

Robert Corvus, Ulf Fildebrandt, Claude Peiffer

Ciné Starlight 2

Interview and Q&A with Femi Taylor

Actress Femi Taylor, known to Star Wars fans as Oola, a dancer at Jabba’s court who is fed to the Rancor, is interviewed and answers questions from the audience.

Femi Taylor, Romain Roll

Salle 1.1

Fans here, there, and everywhere

Join us for a look at how fandoms from all over Europe, nay the World, look like. What do we do differently in different places, what do we share and what is the future of fandom.

Carolina Gomez Lagerlöf, Marcin Klak, Mike Lowrey, John Van Duin  

Salle 1.2

Heiliges Kanonenrohr, Batman! 
Die herrlich verrückte Live-Action-BATMAN-TV-Serie aus den 60er Jahren. 
Robert Vogel


Grand Auditoire

Fantastische Spielbücher

Wisst ihr, was ein Spielbuch ist? Mario Steinmetz führt in diese (zu) wenig beachtete literarische Gattung ein, erklärt, worum es sich handelt, und gibt Auskunft, wie man überhaupt solch ein Spielbuch schreibt.

M.H. Steinmetz

Petit Auditoire

Troubling Tropes: Depicting Disability 

When you talk about people’s lives, it is important to get it right. Meet our panel of writers to learn about some of the times we got disability wrong.

Ciné Starlight 2

Zombies, Parasiten und Pandemien – 

Eine kurze Geschichte der (weniger bekannten) filmischen Virenausbrüche  

Pandemie-Filme nehmen im Katastrophen- und Horrorfilmgenre eine Sonderstellung ein: Sie spielen das Bedrohungsszenario einer sich flächendeckend ausbreitenden, tödlichen Infektionskrankheit variantenreich durch und nehmen dadurch geschickt Bezug auf menschliche Urängste vor der unsichtbaren, immateriellen und kaum zu kontrollierenden Ausbreitung von Viren, die mühelos die gesamte Menschheit an den Rand der Existenz bringen können. 

Nicht selten bringt das Virus in diesen "Outbreak-Erzählungen" das Schlechteste im Menschen hervor: Sie werden durch die Infektion irreversibel verändert und mutieren, nicht selten binnen Sekunden, in hochaggressive Zombies, die das Ende der Zivilisation herbeiführen. 

Von David Cronenberg (Shivers, 1975) über George A. Romero (Dawn of the Dead, 1978) bis Sang-Ho Yeon (Train to Busan, 2016) wirft der Vortrag, untermalt von zahlreichen Filmausschnitten, einen Blick auf die Geschichte der mehr und weniger bekannten Zombieviren auf der großen Leinwand. 

Yves Steichen, Centre National de l’Audiovisuel

Salle 1.1

Mythic Games and the boardgame industry

Join Benoît Vogt of Mythic Games for a look at the boardgame industry through his eyes and the success story that is Mythic Games.

Benoit Vogt, Mythic Games

Salle 1.2

Horror in Märchen. 

Leckerbissen und Grausames aus der Schatzkammer der Brüder Grimm. Eine kurze Übersicht über die Masterthese einer luxemburgischen Studentin, die sich seit Studienbeginn zum Ziel genommen hat, das Makabare in der deutschen Literatur aufzudecken und mundgerecht einem breiteren Publikum aufzutischen. 

Sandy ‘Suna’ Heep


Grand Auditoire

Konflikt – a Swedish EuroCon

Presenting the 2023 EuroCon in Uppsala, Sweden

Konflikt team

Petit Auditoire

Phantastik Multimedial - Buch, Hörbuch, Hörspiel, Comic & Film im Dialog 

Habt ihr „Mara und der Feuerbringer“ gelesen, gesehen oder gehört? Als Hörspiel oder Hörbuch? Gleiches kann man bei vielen Werken von Kai Meyer fragen, dessen Bücher zusätzlich noch gerne in Comic-Form adaptiert werden. Wir besprechen die multimedialen Publikationsformen mit Kai Meyer, Tommy Krappweis & Jurek Malottke. 

Tommy Krappweis, Kai Meyer & Jurek Malottke (alle zugeschaltet)

Ciné Starlight 2

The Streaming ecosystem as an opportunity for fantastic Film & TV

Streaming services have changed the game. Can they and producers of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror content use the opportunity to establish a new golden age in the virtual space?

Romain Roll (Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival), Patrick Ernzer, and guests

Salle 1.1

New Literary Works – Reading 

Reading session with our guest authors who publish in English (and French)
Peadar Ó Guilín, Aliette de Bodard, Agnieszka Hałas, Ani Fox, Zoé Perrenoud

Salle 1.2

Writing Workshop

Our guests Arkady Martine and Vivian Shaw give you a few tips about the art and power of the pen.

Arkady Martine & Vivian Shaw


Petit Auditoire

NSA, Eines Menschen Flügel, Gliss - Im Gespräch mit Andreas Eschbach

Ein Gespräch mit Andreas Eschbach über seine aktuelle Schaffensphase, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem Roman „Eines Menschen Flügel“

Andreas Eschbach (zugeschaltet) 

Ciné Starlight 2

AI Films made in Luxembourg

The future is here. Some of us recognise it and others deny it. A.I. is a revolution. It is the use our intelligence to make our lives better and to sustain us through the darkness. Once big data is analysed, solutions will emerge from that fog. 

My stories are about a dying mother, a worker in an office and an orphan. Will A.I. “feel”? Will it have emotions? The answer is yes. We can teach them kindness, care and affection to mirror the best of us. However, my warning is this… humanities dark side will always exist. A.I., given the right protocol will be as revolutionary to the world as fire in bringing light and warmth to the world. In the wrong hands, it will burn it down. 

These films were made with love and dedication from the actors and tech people. We invite you to view them and celebrate their hard work. 

Angel (2014), Temp (2017), Found and Lost (2019). 
Mak Wolven


Grand Auditoire

The European Science Fiction Awards

One of the highlights of every EuroCon. Come and see who will walk away with the night’s awards.

Author RPG

Ani is back with this year’s guests for another crazy adventure. So, get ready for narrative derailment, chaos, side quests, glory hogging, and other stuff we might term role-playing! We guarantee lots of fun for players and the audience alike.

Players: Peadar O’Guilin, Aliette de Bodard, Robert Corvus, Bernhard Hennen


Ciné Starlight 2

The Sadness

(Rob Jabbaz, 2021) 109 min

A young couple trying to reunite amid a city ravaged by a plague that turns its victims into deranged, bloodthirsty sadists.


Grand Auditoire

The Acclaimed 9th Annual LuxCon Geekquiz of Awesome

Test your knowledge in the vast areas of SF, Fantasy, Horror, and geeky pop culture media in teams of four.


Grand Auditoire

Geekaraoke Party

Saturday evening, let your hair down, and join the crowd as we belt out our favourite SFF inspired songs, serenade each other with theme tunes and hum along to the all-time geeky greats.

Sunday 10th April 2022


Grand Auditoire

Cosplay – Contests, Sizes and the damn pandemic
Join our Cosplay guests chatting about on contests, BIPOC and different body shapes representation and how the pandemic has affected the hobby. Followed by a Q&A.

Chezah, Visenya, Oni, The Epical Panda

Petit Auditoire

Writers' workshop: building worlds
Bernhard Hennen and Robert Corvus are not only among Germany's most successful authors, they also teach writing at conventions, at special venues, and even at university. At LuxCon, they offer a 2-hour workshop on how to design worlds for fantasy and science fiction stories. After a short introduction in design principles, attendees will form small work groups and develop settings for various scenarios. This workshop will be held in English. All you need to attend is good mood and a pen.
Robert Corvus & Bernhard Hennen

Salle 1.1
European Conventions
Join Ivan and go on a marvellous journey through Europe with its SF conventions being the way posts along the way. 
Ivan Kranjcevic

Salle 1.2

The Death Toll in Contemporary SFFH: honing or killing readers’ empathy 

Outline: The death toll is (not) surprisingly a bargaining chip: a useful instrument for a writer willing to fish for readers’ emotions. Should you use it wisely or use it widely; are you honing readers’ empathy or killing it together with your characters?

Elena Pavlova, Kalin Nenov, Agnieszka Hałas, Peadar O’Guilin


Grand Auditoire

Censored Fantastika in the last 50 years

The last 50 years have seen not only the modification of what we understand today like „fantastika” (the over-genre comprising sf, fantasy, horror and anything in between and connected), but important changes in extra-literary factors which influnce the writing, the editing and the publishing of fantastika. The presentation has a historical overview on the political, ideological, social and psychological factors which bore weight over the literary final product of fantastika, with examples taken mainly from recent Romanian literary history.

Costinteo Graur

Salle 1.1

The History of the Comic Book
An introduction to the history of American, Japanese and European comic books.
Ben Bauler

Salle 1.2

Inclusivité et convivialité dans le Jeu de Rôle

La communauté du jeu de rôle est un milieu en pleine ébullition, on y fait circuler des mondes magiques pleins de rêves, d'expériences et d'aventures. Il y a un effervescence et un intérêt pour de nombreu.x.ses joueur.s.ses pour y découvrir le plaisir du jeu. Notre univers ludique se veut plus que jamais un milieu accueillant et à l'écoute. Venez échanger et discuter avec Max Hafniar, ambassadeur de la FFJDR, au sujet de plusieurs projets sur le thème de l'inclusivité et de la convivialité, deux thèmes majeurs de l'environnement collaboratif du jeu de rôle.

Max Hafniar


Grand Auditoire

High Fantasy, the first 100 years

Modern high fantasy was already widely written in Latin Europe in the 19th century. This presentation is a survey of great high fantasy works written in Romance languages between 1838 and 1938 even by canonical authors such as George Sand, Gabriele D'Annunzio and others.

Mariano Martin Rodríguez

Petit Auditoire


Wolltet ihr schon immer mal wissen, wie groß der Anteil der Frauen in der SF ist? Theresa Hannig stellt das Forschungsprojekt #fantastischeFRAUEN vor, welches sich auf den deutschsprachigen Buchmarkt und die in Deutschland verliehenen Awards bezieht. Sie freut sich darauf, die (erstaunlichen) Ergebnisse mit euch zu besprechen. 

Theresa Hannig

Salle 1.1


The world of SFF is dominated by trilogies. Learn why sometimes two books are better than three.

Arkady Martine, Peadar Ó Guilín 

Salle 1.2

Der Dreieichcon ist eines der grössten Rollenspielerevents in Deutschland. Entdeckt was schon geleistet wurde und wohin die Orga die Veranstaltung bringen will. 
Thorsten Schreck


Grand Auditoire

The science of dragons and monsters

When Cthulhu rises from abysmal depths, when a piece of amber sparks a prehistoric adventure park, when Ponyo swims among ancient creatures, the science of fossils is closer than you think. Palaeontological research has always been a fertile source of inspiration for all kinds of fiction. But how realistic is a giant, flying dragon? Could Nessie be real? And what if planet Earth is, in fact, home to creatures that challenge even the wildest imagination, hiding in plain sight? Join Dr. Ben Thuy to celebrate the fantastic cross-pollination between the science and creativity.

Dr. Ben Thuy, palaeontology curator at Luxembourg Natural History Museum

Petit Auditoire

Troubling Tropes: Sex, Love & Intimacy 

When you talk about people’s lives, it is important to get it right. Meet our panel of writers to learn about some of the times we took a too narrow view on sex, love and intimacy.

Salle 1.1

Wie kommt Darth Vader auf die ISS? 
Science Fiction und Science Fact bei der ESA. 
Robert Vogel 

Salle 1.2

The Burying of the Fear Bone 

The Horror genre is winning hearts and becoming more popular each and every year; and even more popular during the pandemic times. So where should the fear bone be buried - let’s talk about that!

Elena Pavlova, Lauren Jackson


Petit Auditoire

Ukrainian Science Fiction

Alona is taking us on a journey through Ukraine’s Science Fiction history.
Alona Savinova

Salle 1.1

Ene Interaktive Lesung Zur Phileasson-Saga 

Endspurt! – Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, die beiden Autoren zu dem bisherigen Verlauf und dem Ende ihres gigantischen Projekts zu befragen. Interaktion mit dem Publikum & Spaß garantiert! 

Robert Corvus & Bernhard Hennen

Salle 1.2

Archetypes in Speculative Fiction 

Everyone knows what a vampire is. Or a demon. Or a fairy. Or do they? Let’s find out what our writers think of people’s preconceptions.

Vivian Shaw, Peadar Ó Guilín, Agnieszka Hałas


Grand Auditoire

The 2022 LuxCon Cosplay Competition

Swing by and check out what the cosplayers have been able to put together for this year’s competition. The best costumes props and performances the talented crafter can conjure.

Jury: Chezah, Visenya, The Epical Panda

Petit Auditoire 

Salle 1.1

The Power of Memory 

Memory shapes who we are. So wouldn’t it be easier if we could reprogram it, or pass it down from one generation to the next? Maybe. Maybe not.

Aliette de Bodard, Arkady Martine, Peadar Ó Guilín


Grand Auditoire

Closing Ceremony

All good things come to an end, and so does LuxCon, the 2022 EuroCon. Join us as we look back on a couple of days of enjoyment and pass the baton on to the 2023 EuroCon, Konflikt, set to be held in Uppsala, Sweden.