
Centre Culture Régional
Dudelange opderschmelz

1a rue du centenaire
L-3475 Dudelange


Réserve Naturelle Haard

Ouverture des portes à 19h30

Check out RTL.lu or the opderschmelz FB page to win your ticket for his exclusive show! There will only be 60 tickets available! Good luck!

The Coronas - European Festivals blurb

The last 2 years has seen THE CORONAStour the UK, Europe, the US (twice) and Australia - selling out venues such as New York’s Irvine Plaza and Sydney’s the Metro theatre, not to mention a 15,000 capacity sell-out of Kilmainham Gaol in their native Dublin. Yes you heard correctly, 15,000. The Coronas are one of Ireland’s biggest bands, with a catalogue of multi platinum albums (including their latest number 1 effort Trust the Wire) and slowly but surely the rest of the world is catching up. 

The Coronas - On New Recording

“We spent the last two years touring more than we ever have before - America twice, Australia, all over Europe and in the UK, not to mention a few big memorable shows at home, but seeing our following grow outside Ireland has definitely left us with a new-found enthusiasm for what we can achieve in this band, and I think we all felt that sitting down to write the new stuff. Personally I’ve never been as excited about our new music as am about the batch of songs we have for the next album. And out of the 4 songs we recorded with Rob in LA, ‘Find The Water’ felt like the right jumping off point for what the album is going to be”

“Musically ‘Find the Water’ is unlike anything we’ve done before - melodically; the vocal delivery; even the arrangement is unusual for us, but yet it was one of those songs where we were all on the same page right from the start and it came together very quickly, which is always a good sign.”

“The song is about self-improvement, both personal and on the band’s journey. A kind of reminder to myself to appreciate what I’ve got and to convince myself that I can write a decent song or be a good friend or be a better person or whatever it may be”.


THE CORONASist eine vierköpfige Indie-Rockband aus Terenure, Dublin. Gegründet wurden sie unter dem Namen Kiros, als die Musiker gerade 15 Jahre alt waren. Seit 2003 haben die vier Freunde, die seit gemeinsamen Highschool-Zeiten zusammen auftreten, verlässlich jede ihrer Veröffentlichungen hoch in die irischen Charts gebracht. Ihr lebendiger Alternative-Rock mit unleugbarem Pop-Appeal hat auch in den USA gezündet, wo die jungen Iren im Rahmen ihrer Tournee begeisterte Reaktionen ernteten.

Das Erste Album HEROES OR GHOSTS der CORONASwurde im Oktober 2007 veröffentlicht, und kam in den irischen Charts auf Platz 24. Das zweite Album TONY WAS AN EX-CON wurde am 25. September 2009 veröffentlicht und erreichte Platz 3. Es gewann 2010 den Meteor Award für das beste Album, vor U2 und Snow Patrol. 2011 veröffentlichte die Band ihr drittes Studioalbum CLOSER TO YOU, das von Tony Hoffer (The Kooks) produziert wurde.