Centre Culture Régional
Dudelange opderschmelz

1a rue du centenaire
L-3475 Dudelange


opderschmelz - Grand Auditoire

Ouverture des portes à 19h30

Prévente / Vorverkauf


Caisse du soir /

20 €

KULTURPASS: Entrée gratuite / Freier eintritt / Free Entry

8.00 PM


The Breath of Charybdis

Curated by Amelia Ishmael - Presenting videos by Semiconductor, Jon Cates, and Aldo Tambellini

The Breath of Charybdis draws upon the concept of the maelström to evoke a dynamic environment where currents between potential and actual, spectral and material, dark and light, and sonic and silent are raised to mountainous heights. It is not the embodied Charybdis that this program will account for, but rather her inspiration: a terrain within which tempestarii might dwell. The three videos presented—by Semiconductor, Jon Cates, and Aldo Tambellini—evidence Charybdis’s breath through mountainous waves of electromagnetic energy.



Gast Bouschet and Nadine Hilbert with 
live music by Stephen O'Malley

Dawn spreads its luminous rays across the coast of Iceland, to reveal a sorcerer standing between wine-dark sea and mountainous black rock. He is tempestarii, a figure of medieval lore, undertaking a primitive rite manifested to conjure a storm. The tides of the deep ocean breathe heavily rising and falling across the cinema screen with amplifying power, as the weather-maker beats a mysterious sack against the monolithic cliffs with powerful repetition.

As a magical tool, this sack contains forceful winds pulled from each corner of world. As an analogy, it is aligned with the revolutionary transformations of nature by water, air, solar radiation, and geological shifts and filled with the vast potential of man’s will in alliance with Nature. As an omen, the tempestarii signals profound change on both physical and metaphysical realms.

Presented as both a live performance and an installation, Tempestarii is an immersive experience of video and sound. By demonstrating contemporary art as meteorological sorcery and political activism, the duo Gast Bouschet and Nadine Hilbert raise a storm and blacken the air.

L'aube étale ses rayons lumineux à travers la côte de l'Islande, afin de révéler un sorcier situé entre la mer profonde et la roche noire montagneuse. Il est Tempestarii, une figure mythique médiévale, qui entreprend un rite primitif ayant pour but de conjurer une tempête. Les marées de l'océan respirent lourdement, montant et descendant à travers l'écran de cinéma, avec une puissance amplifiée au fur et à mesure que le faiseur météorologique bat un sac mystérieux contre les falaises monolithiques en puissante répétition.

Comme un outil magique, ce sac contient des vents énergiques tirés de chaque coin du monde. Par analogie, il est aligné avec les transformations révolutionnaires de la nature par l'eau, l'air, le rayonnement solaire et les changements géologiques et remplit le vaste potentiel de la volonté de l'homme en alliance avec la nature. Comme un présage, le Tempestarii signale un changement profond dans les royaumes à la fois physiques et métaphysiques.

Présenté à la fois comme un spectacle et une installation, Tempestarii est une exposition vidéo et sonore immersive. Révélant l'art contemporain comme source de sorcellerie météorologique et d'activisme politique, le duo Gast Bouschet et Nadine Hilbert soulève une tempête et noircit l'air.

25.10. – 03.11. 2013  Open : Monday - Sunday 10.00 AM – 10.00 PM

Gast Bouschet and Nadine Hilbert with Stephen O'Maley

Cast from the premiere performance, Tempestarii will sustain at CCRD in the form of a video and sound exhibition. The duration of the video is designed to consume the entire run of the exhibition period: 9 days, or 108 hours. Within this span of time, Tempestarii will undergo continual change. The video will loop, in a way, yet each iteration is parasitically copied from the preceding version. Video files disintegrate when they are copied again and again, more and more pixels go missing. The resulting loss of definition, as well as parasitic interferences, gradually darken the images until they dissolve into blackness.